2011.09-2016.06 武汉大学 新莆京游戏大厅官方入口 博士
2016.07-2018.12 华中师范大学 新莆京游戏大厅官方入口 博士后,入选首届中国博士后创新人才支持计划(2016),并获批中国博士后科学基金第61批面上一等资助,项目号2017M610482。
2018.12-至今 华中师范大学 新莆京游戏大厅官方入口 副教授
2019.7-8 尼泊尔民主联邦共和国 合作研究
国家重点研发计划2021YFC3100404子课题80万元, 2021/12-2025/12,主持
国家自然科学基金重点项目31730012 (2018/01-2022/12),主要成员
Tong ZY, Huang SQ*. 2016. Pre- and post-pollination interaction between six co-flowering Pedicularis species via heterospecific pollen transfer. New Phytologist 211(4): 1452-1461.
Tong ZY, Huang SQ*. 2018. Safe sites of pollen placement: a conflict of interest between plants and bees? Oecologia 186(1): 163-171.
Tong ZY, Wang XP, Wu LY, Huang SQ*. 2019. Nectar supplementation changes pollinator behavior and pollination mode in Pedicularis dichotoma: implications for evolutionary transitions. Annals of Botany 123(2): 373-380.
Tong ZY#, Wu LY#, Huang SQ*. 2021. Reproductive strategies of animal‐pollinated plants on high mountains: A review of studies from the “Third Pole”. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59(6): 1159-1169.
Hu YB#*, Wang XP#, Xu YC#, Yang H#, Tong ZY#, Tian R#, Xu SH#, Li Y*, Guo YL*, Shi P*, Huang SQ*, Yang G*, Shi SH*, Wei FW*. 2023. Molecular mechanisms of adaptive evolution in wild animals and plants. Science China-Life Sciences 66(3): 453-495. (ESI高被引论文)
Tong ZY, Wu LY, Feng HH, Zhang M, Armbruster WS, Renner SS*, Huang SQ*, 2023. New calculations indicate that 90% of flowering plant species are animal-pollinated, National Science Review 10(10): nwad219.(相关报道: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1000062, https://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2023/9/507934.shtm
Wang B#, Tong ZY#, Xiong YZ, Wang XF, Armbruster WS, Huang SQ*. 2023. The evolution of flower-pollinator trait matching, and why do some alpine gingers appear to be mismatched? Annals of Botany 132(6): 1073-1088. 专文评论见: A functional view of flower–pollinator trait matching. A commentary on ‘Mismatching explained: constricted corolla tubes in Roscoea elevate the nectar’ by Øystein H Opedal, Annals of Botany 132(6), Pages v–vii, https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcad162
Wang B#, Tong ZY#, Xiong YZ, Wang XF, Armbruster WS, Huang SQ*. 2023. Degree of style coiling is associated with corolla-tube length in the nectarless flowers of Roscoea schneideriana. Plant Diversity 45(6): 748-751.
Wu LY, Huang SQ*, Tong ZY*. 2024. Elevational and temporal pattern of pollination success in distylous and homostylous buckwheats (Fagopyrum L.) in the Hengduan Mountains. Plant Diversity 46(5): 661-670.
童泽宇,徐环礼,黄双全*. 2018. 探讨监测传粉者的方法. 生物多样性 26: 433-444.
童泽宇, 黄双全*. 2019. 协同演化概念的发展、使用误区与研究证据. 中国科学:生命科学 49 : 421-435.
王晓月, 汤晓辛, 童泽宇, 黄双全*. 2019. 植物与传粉者地理镶嵌的协同演化:过程、证据与展望. 科学通报 64(16): 1702-1710.
童泽宇,黄双全*. 2023. 引起花冠管长度演化的可能因子与例证. 植物科学学报41(6): 719-728.
胡纯略, 童泽宇, 焦恒武, 黄双全*. 2024. 蝙蝠传粉系统的多样性及其演化研究进展. 兽类学报 DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150960.
童泽宇, 黄双全. 2023. 传粉昆虫与植物的关系. 王琛柱、娄永根主编《植物与昆虫的相互作用》第三章, 页码130-168. 北京: 科学出版社。