2013.09-2019.12 华中师范大学新莆京游戏大厅官方入口 博士
2019.12-2020.9 加拿大魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校 生物系 访问学者
2020.3-2023.3 华中师范大学新莆京游戏大厅官方入口 博士后
2023.3-至今 华中师范大学新莆京游戏大厅官方入口 副研究员
1.Xu HF, Yu C, Bai Y, Zuo AW, Ye YT, Liu YR, Li ZK, Dai GZ, Chen M, Qiu BS. (2024) Red-light-dependent chlorophyll synthesis kindles photosynthetic recovery of chlorotic dormant cyanobacteria using a dark-operative enzyme. Current Biology, 34: 4424-4435
2.Dai GZ, Song WY, Xu HF(并列第一作者), Tu M, Yu C, Li ZK, Shang JL, Jin CL, Ding CS, Zuo LZ, Liu YR, Zang SS, Liu K, Zhang Z, Bock R, Qiu BS (2024) Hypothetical chloroplast reading frame 51 encodes a photosystem I assembly factor in cyanobacteria. The Plant Cell, 36:1844-1867
3.Xu HF, Dai GZ, Bai Y, Ye DM, Shang JL, Zheng B, Shi H, Kaplan A, Qiu BS. (2022) Coevolution of tandemly repeated hlips and RpaB-like transcriptional factor confers desiccation tolerance to subaerial Nostoc species. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 119: e2211244119
4.Xu HF, Raanan H, Dai GZ, Oren N, Berkowicz S, Murik O, Kaplan A, Qiu BS. (2021) Reading and surviving the harsh conditions in desert biological soil crust: The cyanobacterial viewpoint, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 45, fuab036
5.Xu HF, Dai GZ, Ye DM, Shang JL, Song WY, Shi HZ, Qiu BS (2020) Dehydration-induced DnaK2 chaperone is involved in PSII repair of desiccation-tolerant cyanobacteria. Plant Physiology, 182: 1991-2005
6.Xu HF, Dai GZ, Wang YJ, Cheng C, Shang JL, Li RH, Liu K, Duanmu D, Qiu BS (2022) Expansion of bilin-based red light sensors in the subaerial desert cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme. Environmental Microbiology, 24: 2047-2058
7.Xu HF, Dai GZ, Qiu BS (2019) Weak red light plays an important role in awakening the photosynthetic machinery following desiccation in the subaerial cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme. Environmental Microbiology, 21: 2261-2272
8.Yu C, Xu HF, Liu YR, Yan WW, Kong XL, Zhang CC, Dai GZ, Qiu BS. (2024) The transcription factor RppA regulates chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis to improve photoprotection in cyanobacteria, Plant Physiol, 10.1093/plphys/kiae502
9.Du J, Izquierdo D, Xu HF, Beisner B, Lavaud J, Ohlund L, Sleno L, Juneau P (2023) Responses to herbicides of Arctic and temperate microalgae grown under different light intensities. Environmental Pollution, 8: 121985
10.Shang JL, Zhang ZC, Yin XY, Chen M, Hao FH, Wang K, Feng JL, Xu HF, Ying YC, Tang HR, Qiu BS (2018) UV-B induced biosynthesis of a novel sunscreen compound in solar radiation and desiccation tolerant cyanobacteria. Environmental Microbiology, 20: 200-213
中国植物生理与分子生物学学会会员、中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会会员、湖北省植物生理学会会员,担任Environmental Microbiology、Microbiology-SGM、Plant Signaling & Behavior等杂志邀请审稿人。